
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One Down, 100 To Go

My headline may be a little misleading. My list so far obviously has 73 things, well short of the typical 101 tasks. However, I'm going to continue operating on the presumption that I'm going to eventually add the remaining tasks to make the complete 101 projects.

Anyways, I can now officially cross one off the list! I successfully went all of January with no fast food at all. I started cooking more often as well, which certainly helped me through the month. I'm not going to sit here and say to all of cyberspace that I'm never going to have another McDonald's value meal, but I kinda like moving away from having it more than a couple times a week.

I still do want to continue phasing out less healthy foods, i.e. chips, assorted junk food, etc. That's the true test of my limits. My real weakness for snack food includes chips and chocolate, so I will need to create a strategy on how to at least reduce those foods in my kitchen. I'll post another update in the future on how that strategy comes together.

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