
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Writer's Block

I haven't been blogging over the last few weeks nearly as much as I had previously for a number of reasons. First, I've been seriously burned out from work. I nearly reached my breaking point a couple weeks ago, but I managed to get through it successfully. I've still come to the conclusion that my job is not where I want to be long term, and even though I've only been at my job a year and a half, I think it's time to look at moving on.

Secondly, and almost more importantly, I suffered from a case of writer's block. I would check out my blog, start typing something, and after a paragraph or two I just ran out of stuff to say. What's the point of typing out a blog post if I end up rambling for no real rhyme or reason? (One could make a good argument that most of my blog posts are like that already, but I digress.)

There is good news though. I'm taking vacation days from Wednesday through Friday this week, mostly because it's in time for my birthday. I had planned on driving off to the beach for a day or two and get away from everything and everyone, but - wouldn't you know - it's supposed to rain all throughout the week. While it's likely I won't be laying out in the sun much, that won't stop me from hitting up one or two of the bars in the area. I had even contemplated - GASP! - not taking my phone with me and really shutting myself out, but I'm sure I'd miss at least a couple birthday phone calls and/or texts if I did.

I'll see you on the other side of 31...

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