
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Pitfalls of Facebook

As with virtually every other American over the age of 13, I am on Facebook. I was very resistant to the idea of joining at first though, mainly because I had feared I'd be "selling out" by joining a social networking site. However, I have to confess I've become rather addicted to it in the 18 months or so I've been on there. And I admit, it's been great to reconnect with a lot of old friends from high school and past jobs who I hadn't spoken to or seen in years. Overall, I'm glad I had joined Facebook.

Now there is a minor annoyance I have with the site. Maybe calling it an annoyance isn't the right term to use, but here is my problem: I've noticed several occasions where I've been "de-friended" (is that the official term?) on more than one occasion, and most times I have no idea who had deleted me. Occasionally I was able to figure out who had deleted me, and for the most part it didn't bother me. There were a couple girls who I had gone on one or two dates with, and another was the girlfriend of a former roommate who was a whack job. Not a big deal.

Over the last few days though I've noticed the number of friends dropping one here, another there. I have no idea who has deleted me, and I'd just like to find out who it was. Facebook always sends email notices when someone adds me as a friend; why not send notices when someone deletes me? If I knew who it was who had deleted me, I'd probably figure out why they had done so pretty quickly. Don't worry, I still manage to sleep at night either way. It's just something that's on my mind when I notice I'm one friend less on Facebook.

I can't be the only one who's thought about I?

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