
Saturday, December 21, 2013

One Door Closes While Another Opens

This past year had the highest of highs and lowest of lows for me.  I got a promotion at my job with a very hefty raise, one that I had been striving towards since I had first taken the position 2 1/2 years ago.  I also had thought I was in a relationship with a woman who I would marry someday.  I felt like my life had a defined direction and plan, one that I was very happy in traveling.

Of course, as they say, men plan while God laughs.

My relationship fell apart on me, leaving me stuck trying to figure out what path my life would take next.  I had to move a whopping four times in the past calendar year, and I don't think there is a word to describe just how stressful that was.  I also lost a very close friend of mine after an argument that I can't even remember how it had started in the first place.  I don't think I need to go in any further detail to discuss why any of those experiences were ones I'd like to repeat.

Getting back to the positive stuff for a second, I definitely feel like I've made real progress in myself now that I've been seeing a therapist for nearly 5 months now.  I also have already made my resolution for 2014, which is to get myself in a stable financial position.  I've put together a road map for myself that will get me debt-free by the time I hit my 36th birthday in 2015.  On top of that, I also was sent a link by a friend of mine to do a "money jar," which is another simple way to save up money over the course of a year.  Hopefully, I will be in a financial position to buy a house before my 36th birthday and not have to deal with constantly moving.

I actually feel a little proud of myself, in spite of the crappy stuff I've went through in the last year.  I put together my road map myself with no input or advice from anyone else in my family.  That kind of thought may deserve a little "so what" reaction from others who may read this, but I think it's fairly rare for a 36 year old adult to be completely debt free, aside from a mortgage (which, while it certainly is a huge debt, is a good kind of debt to have).

If nothing else, I'll certainly be relieved to put 2013 behind me.  A major chapter of my life has closed, and while I can't say I'm happy that it's over, I do want to continue making better decisions for my future.  Many New Year's Eve parties feature a toast where someone says, "May the best of your past be the worst of your future."  That line will hold special meaning for me this time.

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